Quick Question: Do You Want a Bigger List (or even Multiple Lists)?

If So... Only ONE Thing Stands in Your Way!

From a Nothing List to GROWING a NEVER-ENDING List - Imagine The Following

It's 3:48 AM. You're barely awake when all of a sudden you hear a very familiar sound:


Your phone lights up: someone just joined your list.

You smile to yourself groggily, thinking it's a one-off.

But wait!

18 minutes later, >ding!< Another one!

11 minutes after *that*, >ding!< Another one!

And then:

My gosh, you couldn't keep up with them!

You get the picture, right?

It sounds like your phone's composing a hit parade of wins, each notification a reminder that your list is growing faster than rabbits multiply on a warm sunny day.

Come sunrise, you're staring at a subscriber count that makes your heart race. A flood of eager fans who can't wait to see what ELSE you've got to offer... and it's all because you delivered the PERFECT High-Value gift *right from the very beginning.

You see, the secret isn't just about having any old offer to entice viewers to opt into your list.

Not by a long-shot!

Instead, it's about offering something your audience can't resist.

When was the last time you felt that slow-burning sense of despair? You know, that stomach-churning uneasiness when it hits you:

Time is fixed. There are only 24 hours in a day, and no matter how hard you try, a 28-hour day just ISN'T happening. Not even with your best DIY magic.

Cloning yourself? Forget it. As amazing as it would be to have 2, 3, or 668 clones grinding away on your business, humanity's cloning tech peaked somewhere between sci-fi novels and Weird Al.

And hiring someone to take over the sanity-keeping stuff? Sure, that would be ideal! But you're left trying to do it ALL.

So, you start thinking about creating digital content. You dive in, determined to find the solution. But instead of answers, you find yourself neck-deep in endless research and no closer to solving the problem. Fun, right?

What YOU Need is:

Something that is of High-Value; a Giveaway that's Quick, Sharp, and is figuratively packed with Gold.

Something SO Irresistible that it practically grabs their attention FOR you.

Something that will save their time, deliver real value, and makes them think, "OMG I need this NOW!"

What could that something actually *be*?

Enter the DAB Bold Blue Friday Power List Building Bundle!

This isn't just one lead magnet - it's a bundle of high-quality Power cheatsheets with full giveaway rights. Designed to make your list-building effortless, these cheatsheets are Brief, Pithy and to the Point.

Time-saving to the max (they're only 1 page in size AND include just 3 simple steps), they offer the kind of instant value your audience loves while saving *YOU* literally hours of content creation.

And I have yet to reveal the bonuses included in this special Blue Friday Extravaganza as well. Let's remedy that, aye?

Dear Profit Seeking Marketer,

Virtual Coach

Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here again and this offer is, quite frankly, insane for us to provide.

Everyone and their coffeecup knows that one's list is one of, if not THE, most valuable Internet Marketing resources anyone can have.

In today's chaos and zero-attention-span world, however, compelling people to actually sign up is more difficult than building IKEA furniture minus instructions.

People these days do NOT want to read dozens of PDF pages or watch hours of videos - Time is Money, and they desire their information FAST.

That's why these Cheatsheets are such a bargain - Every Topic Included will simplify and deliver the critical answers your readers crave via just 3 simple steps.

That's it.

That's all.

And because these come with Giveaway Rights, the instant you purchase, you can add them to YOUR autoresponder so they start working for you Right Away!

Plus... The Topics You'll See!

Seeing is Believing, So...

Imagine You Gaining ALL of the Following for mere pennies on the dollar.

#1.) Beginners AI Art Profits Cheatsheet

Gain the insights of AI Art from beginner to experienced, how to make money with AI art, Print on Demand, more!

#2.) CustomGPT Security

Did you know it's quite simple to break most Custom GPTs? This cheatsheet takes the reader by the hand and shows an extremely effective yet simple way to protect their creations.

#3.) Beginners Bitcoin Cheatsheet

Bitcoin is back with its Bull Run... want to get the facts fast regarding Bitcoin and Crypto in General? This is YOUR starting resource!

#4.) eMail Profits Social Informer

The Amount of Information regarding eMail Marketing in Social Media is astonishing! You can get the basics to advanced Money Making ideas here.

#5.) 2024 Product Creation Secrets

Digital Product Creation is SO much more than merely eBooks. Here, you'll gain an easy-to-understand base on maxxing out your profit potential.

Like we mentioned earlier, these 5 Cheatsheets (that come with List Building Giveaway Rights are Perfect to Assist you in Beefing Up your Bottom Line While Growing Your List at the Same Time. .

So you might be wondering to yourself, hmmm, how...


It's Time to Kick "Over-Delivering" into OverDRIVE!

Behold these coolio BONUSES that are ALSO Included!

#1.) Amazon News Trends Cheatsheet

Discover a cool twist to Profiting via Amazon and a Secret Site!

#2.) Augmented Reality Cheatsheet

Ever wish you knew how utterly fantastic AR can really be for you?

#3.) Black Friday Cheatsheet!

I mean, why not? There are ways one can thrive both as a vendor AND as a customer dduring Black Friday; you'll love the ideas you will receive.

#4.) Headline Creation Sweet Spot Cheatsheet

Did you know there are ways you can immediate beef up your Headlines via virtually no effort at all?

#5.) Boomer Marketing Cheatsheet

The Boomer niche can be extremely profitable... if only you knew the best ways of appoaching. You'll discover that HERE!

So now we have 10(!) Cheatsheets, all with Giveaway Rights, figuratively wrapped up with a shiny new red bow and presented to you. But even here... hmmmm....

Gnope - The Over-Delivering is Still Continuing!

We're ALSO including this Extremely Helpful Guide:

Kick Fate in the Right Direction

Even when you HATE the world, bills must still be paid! You'll discover some excellent reframing and coping techniques to help bolster you up when the tough get going. Sweet!

Seriously, this collection re-defines the word "No brainer" and makes for a simply splendid Blue Friday offer.

The Full Package Includes:

🔥 #1.) Beginners AI Art Profits Cheatsheet

🔥 #2.) CustomGPT Security

🔥 #3.) Beginners Bitcoin Cheatsheet

🔥 #4.) eMail Profits Social Informer

🔥 #5.) 2024 Product Creation Secrets

🔥 #6.) Amazon News Trends Cheatsheet

🔥 #7.) Augmented Reality Cheatsheet

🔥 #8.) Black Friday Cheatsheet!

🔥 #9.) Headline Creation Sweet Spot

🔥 #10.) Boomer Marketing Cheatsheet

🔥 Kick Fate in the Right Direction

So now the only question that arises is:

How much for ALL of the above?

Remember, you're about to receive:

10 Power Time-Saving 1 Page Cheatsheets You Can USe To Build Your List

(... plus a fantastic blueprint to help you continue to profit even if you're more frazzled than a caveman realizing fire isn't waterproof).

So what are you waiting for? It's waiting for YOU!

Oh wait. I know what you might be waiting for...

Your Actual Investment!

Each Cheatsheet includes 3 Simple Steps, followed by b 'Your Next Steps' - This way, you aren't left hanging - you'll know what to do once you've finished consuming this powerful resource.

As you can see, there are NO "Pushbutton Dreamz!" claims!

Just plain and simple facts...

... That do NOT demand a commitment to action (You can learn at your own pace).

And you know what that means?

It means...

It's a Win Win All The Way Around!

Not only are you about to gain a tremenous boost in both your knowledge and list building benefits...

But you'll ALSO be able to instantly share the same information with Friends, Family members ... anyone!

Use them to :

Gift Actionable Content to your Tribe

Offer As An Enticing Bonus

Heck, Just Give It Away to *Build Your List!*

So now you might be wondering to yourself, hmmm, how much?

How much for something so jam-packed with goodness, yet so easy to consume (all the main material is on just 1 page!)... and even comes with List Building giveaway rights so YOU can start Building YOUR List Today?

Sure, we could charge 'way more but...

Jaw-Dropping Deals Are One of Our Specialities!

Thus, You've Got Two Options:

Get ALL these Cheatsheets + Full PLR Rights

Get ALL these Cheatsheets Cheatsheet + GIVEAWAY Rights, and Build YOUR List by Giving it Away Freely as a Gift!

So what are you waiting for? It's waiting for YOU!

The Only Thing to ask now is... How Much?

Lessee .... if this was a traditional marketing sales page, done by your typical Bright Shiny Wheeee! Marketer, I'd probably write:

$7,599 (I mean hey, why not?)

But you're smarter than that (although it's fun to read)!

Thus, Choose from:

The Personal Usage Investment that Comes with Giveaway List Building Rights


The Full Private Label Rights (Source Included, which means you can claim ownership, Modify it with YOUR branding information, include YOUR Affiliate Links and more!)

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit them as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheets/List-Builders from them as well!

Send PLR To Me!


PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF File that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!

Send It To Me!

With that, what are you waiting for? 😀

Who knows how much more your Internet Marketing bottom line could grow... unless YOU actually put the ideas into practice?

Remember too, the Giveaway Rights ALSO enable you to grow your list (among other things). This is something that enables YOU to increase YOUR monetary bottom line... and the means is now waiting for you to take advantage of that today..

Can't get better than that!

Have a Profitable Day,

Virtual Coach

Barb Ling and Dennis Becker

PS- you could spend days trying to find this necessary information yourself... or just enjoy the instant download of a single, one page power cheat sheet. Make sure your future Profits shine!

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit them as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheet/List-Builder from it as well!

Send PLR To Me!


PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF File that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!

Send It To Me!

PS: Oh, And There Is A 100% Guarantee
So You Risk Nothing!

To get your hands on this time-saving super-focused package, you only have to invest a very tiny amount. However, you really get to see it all for free.

Here's why: We have a 30 day "no questions asked" guarantee. It works like this - get this package today, and spend a whole 30 days using it to your advantage. Then, at any time within those 30 days, if you are unsatisfied in any way, just contact us and we'll return every penny of your purchase to you - no questions asked.

Every bit of risk to you has been removed and...

It is waiting for you!

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit them as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheet/List-Builder from it as well!

Send PLR To Me!


PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF file that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!

Send It To Me!

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