How To Go From Feeling Lost Regarding Profiting Online

To FINALLY Earning Online!

-- I mean... Shouldn't 2025 Be YOUR Year to Shine?

Close Your Eyes and Imagine... YOU.
You... Finally Making Money Online.

Dear Profit Seeking Marketer,

Virtual Coach

Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here and there's no time to waste!

Forget those flashy modern graphics or overstuffed hype-fests filled with "dreamz" (seriously, no words ending in "z" here - we're keeping it classy). Forget about 'em!

Boomers we ARE, after all, and we're laser-focused on delivering both what you WANT... and, even better, what you actually NEED. No fluff, no nonsense - just the good stuff.

Thus, let us guess what you WANT.

You WANT To Earn Money Online, and you NEED the Skills to Do So.

How are we doing so far?

See, when you satisfy both of the above, you'll find you have... changed.

Into a new you.

This Brand NEW version of you:

Wakes up each day with clarity, confidence, and a profit plan that actually *works*.

Sounds pretty amazing, doesn't it?

Seriously though... does that feel a little TOO far away right now?

Because if you're anything like most people trying to carve their path online, there's a good chance you're stuck in a loop.

Maybe you're spinning your wheels, trying to figure it all out.

Or maybe, deep down, you're wondering if you're accidentally sabotaging yourself without even realizing it (Been there/done that/bought the t-shirt/flipped it on eBay - a fun time that was NOT).

(But I digress).

So here's the real question:

Are YOU Standing in your OWN way Right This Very Moment?

And if you are...

How can you get out of your own path and start beefing up your revenue online?

eekA most excellent question... and one that I'm reaaally familiar with.

See, nobody *wants* to be stuck on the Ferris Wheel of NeverEnding Eeek!, going 'round and 'round in circles again and again and gosh, the scenery doesn't even change and ...

(which honestly makes sense, I mean... you're on a Ferris Wheel! It's *supposed* to go 'round and 'round in circles again and again and gosh... I'll assume you got the picture, aye)?

But on the off-chance your experiences with perpetual motion carnival rides is woefully non-existent...

Allow Me to Guess at Aspects of YOUR World... Today.

It's late. Maybe it's 11 PM, maybe it's 2 AM, maybe it's 2029... honestly, who knows anymore?

You're at your desk, half a cup of cold coffee to your right, and 38 tabs open on your browser.

Obviously your browser has frozen and while you wait for it to thaw, you tiredly scan some of those spine-tingling resources you uncovered.

One tab has a half-finished YouTube video that promised to teach you "How to Force Your Vendor Accounts To Transform into a Ginormous Vacuum Cleaner on Steroids" but has yet to even get to that critical "Make Sure It's Plugged Into a Working Socket" first step.

Another tab has a "How to Make Passive Income by Selling Virtual Ghosts in a Jar" article that sounds like it was written for deactivated robots accessing the Internet via a 9.6K baud modem.

And then eMail! OMG, your eMail inbox, just plan filled to the brim of "opportunities" that make absolutely zero sense...

The overwhelm. It's real.

You want so bad to make progress you can taste it but for every 2 steps forward feels like... forget 1 step back, we're talking take a hike to Mount Everest (and back!), preferably in 20 feet of snow.

That weighs 24 tons.

And is now piled on your car roof,.

As you try to regain that extra glory of that extra step.


See, it's NOT that you're lazy. You're NOT unmotivated.

You're just... stuck.

Stuck quicker than a cat dropped tail-first into a laser pointer game of tag.

But Did You Ever Consider The Following...

The online world is, well, it's noisy.

Every day your eMail inbox is flooded with the "next big thing" or the "ultimate shortcut to success", right?

Thing is...

What happens IF you have NO idea HOW to complete the process you NEED to do?

Or perhaps, "How does this strategy work with that one?"

What should you focus on first?

And speaking of that, just WHY does it feel like everyone ELSE has it figured out... except for YOU?

Spoiler alert: nobody has it all figured out.

But the ones who are making progress?

They've Learned How to Cut ThROUGH the Noise.

They've learned how to see the bigger picture - how everything really connects.

And that's exactly what you're about to do.

Now... Imagine THIS.

It's 3:42 PM on a random Wednesday.

You're sitting at your desk, but this time it's different.

Your to-do list? Done.

Your inbox? Organized.

And your plan for profiting online? Finally... coming together.

You're not just reading about strategies anymore - you're actually implementing them.

Each step actually makes sense.

Each action gets you closer to your goals.

And for the first time in a long time, you feel like you're winning.

What Changed?

You stopped trying to piece it all together on your own.

You stopped wasting time on random advice that doesn't fit your goals.


Every single time you encountered a roadblock, you blasted that barrier into smithereens!

No longer were you stopped because you didn't understand a key required step.

Anytime something confused you, you just opened your version of "The 1000: 1,000 Power Mini IM CheatSheets."

You swept away EVERYTHING that stood in your path.

You didn't wait for someone to answer your questions.

You didn't let despair stop you.

Instead, you quickly pinpointed where the bottleneck was.

Cracked that bottleneck WIDE open.

And maybe - just MAYBE - for the first time EVER, you *Finally* Began to See Money Flow In.

So what is this "The 1000: 1,000 Power Mini IM Cheatsheets?

It's not 1, not 2, but 1,000(!) Mini Cheatsheats (surprise!) that deliver to you the skills you NEED....

... WHEN you need them (and stay happily out of sight when you do NOT).

Because you *know* this to be true: Success online isn't about working harder - it's about working Smarter.

The great thing about it?

Whenever you want the answers *quick*, you can zoom directly to the skill needed, blast away that roadblock, and continue on!

Oh, and one more thing...

Each Power Mini Cheatsheet includes only 3 Steps.

Here, Take a Peek.

The first step simply provides you with *direct* (no searching required!) resources for the topic you need to quickly master.

Let's say, for example, you need to quickly understand how to:

Track Podcast Listeners

So Step 1 grabs the direct resources for the latest News, Socials and Tutorials like so.

From there, we move to:

Here, you'll see 4 varied resources that include:

🔮 Getting a quick AI tutorial about tracking Podcaster Listeners

🔮 Finding more niche Podcast Resources

🔮 Seeing how you can Make Money via Podcasts and more.

Quickly. Effectively.

Here's what that step looks like:

And finally, we move to:

And the really cool part?

We deliver directly to your hands the ability for YOU to make YOUR OWN profit tutorial.

Targeted to YOU.

And only YOU.

And keep in mind, there are:

Not 1, Not 2 but 1,000 Quick Power IM Mini Cheatsheets

These 1,000 Power Mini Cheatsheets were designed for one purpose and one purpose only - to help you overcome any obstacle standing between you and your online success quickly, clearly and without the headache.

Introducing: 1,000 Bite-Sized Individual "Tools" That'll Actually Give You... *That* Edge.

100 AI Text Mini Cheatsheets

100 AI Tools Mini Cheatsheets

The A-C Skills Mini Cheatsheets

The D-K Skills Mini Cheatsheets

The L-P Skills Mini Cheatsheets

The R-Z Skill Mini Cheatsheets

The A-P MMO Mini Cheatsheets

The S-Z MMO Mini Cheatsheets

Let's talk about this collection for a second.

It's not a magic wand that'll solve all your problems overnight (sorry, not even Hogwarts offers that).

But it provides the EXACT roadmap you've been looking for...

... without anything else to detract from it.

Here's why it works:

It's Clear.

No fluff, no filler, no jargon. Pick the action step you need to make money online.

Zoom to that section.

Discover how to achieve that action step.

Rinse and Repeat!

It's Flexible.

Work at your own pace. No feeling hurried at all.

It's Wondefully Simple to Use.

It contains:

🧰 600 Marketing Skills Mini Cheatsheets.

🧰 200 MMO Mini Cheatsheets

🧰 200 AI Tools Mini Cheatsheets

In other words...

A Grand Total of 1,000 Mini IM Cheatsheets!

Simply pick the skill you need to learn.


Discover. At your own time and pace!

Move on. Sweet!

How much for something so timely, yet so easy to consume (all the main material is on just 1 page!)... and even comes with List Building giveaway rights so YOU can start Building YOUR List Today?

Sure, we could charge big but..

Jaw-Dropping Deals Are One of Our Specialities!

So what are you waiting for? It's waiting for YOU!

Oh wait. I know what you might be waiting for...

The Only Thing to ask now is... How Much?

Lessee .... if this was a traditional marketing sales page, done by your typical Bright Shiny Wheeee! Marketer, I'd probably write:

$7,599 (I mean hey, why not?)

But you're smarter than that (although it's fun to read)!

You can now choose from:

The Personal Usage Investment (Comes with List-Building Giveaway Rights!)


The Full Private Label Rights (Source Included, which means you can claim ownership, modify it with YOUR branding information, include YOUR Affiliate Links and more!)

PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF Form that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!



Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Customize it as your own, Sell it and keep 100% of the profits, more!


With that, what are you waiting for? 😀

Who knows how much more your eMail Profits bottom line could be... unless you actually put the ideas into practice?

Remember too, the Giveaway Rights ALSO enable you to grow your list (among other things). This is something that enables YOU to increase YOUR monetary bottom line... and the means is now waiting for you to take advantage of that today..

Can't get better than that!

Have a Profitable Day,

Virtual Coach

Barb Ling and Dennis Becker

PS- you could spend days trying to find this necessary information yourself... or just enjoy the benefits this system provides. Make sure your future Profits shine!

PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF Form that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!



Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Customize it as your own, Sell it and keep 100% of the profits, more!


PS: Oh, And There Is A 100% Guarantee
So You Risk Nothing!

To get your hands on this time-saving super-focused package, you only have to invest a very tiny amount. However, you really get to see it all for free.

Here's why: we have a 30 day "no questions asked" guarantee. It works like this - get this package today, and spend a whole 30 days using it to your advantage. Then, at any time within those 30 days, if you are unsatisfied in any way, just contact us and we'll return every penny of your purchase to you - no questions asked.

Every bit of risk to you has been removed and...

It is waiting for you!

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit it as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheets/List-Builder. from it as well!



PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF Form that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!


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