Thank You for Investing in Our Coaching

Wet appreciate and take your decision to have us help you create your epic product seriously.

First of all, when communicating with us, the email to use is Our hours are typically business hours, U.S. eastern time, so keep that in mind before getting upset at any delays. We do work weekends, but fewer hours.

We do want you to succeed quickly, so we’ll respond quickly when we’re at the computer.

You can also send Dennis Becker a message using Facebook Messenger, but the preferred communication method for questions is via email.

You already have the blueprint and templates for TOC Cash version 2 available to you, and hopefully you also have TOC Cash version 1.

The first order of business is for you to go through the blueprints and understand the strategies. If there is any confusion, send us an email.

Or confirm that you’ve done that and are ready to move forward.

You are entitled to up to 3 months of email coaching, or until you’ve earned over $2000 from your epic product(s). Obviously we expect that you will earn far more than $2000, but once you reach that point, you will be well on your way and most likely won’t need our ongoing help.

We hope to get you earning quickly. The strategies in TOC Cash will work, but you need to take action to make them happen.

Some things that we can do for you:

Ideas for an epic product/offer and niche
Help with your A.I. prompts
Being your accountability partner
How to package your product
Brainstorming monetization methods
Setting up on Warrior Plus or elsewhere
Possibly promoting your offer to get you started (if appropriate)

So now it’s time for you to do some work to get started. Send us an email and introduce yourself and let us know your plans, your schedule, etc.

We’re ready to help make your epic product amazing.